s thick, and an air layer about one thousand meters high.

s thick, and an air layer about one thousand meters high.

With an area of ??more than ten square kilometers, it was half smaller than Weijia Island, but in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes it was already pretty good.
The current growth rate of Qingmu Blessed Land is so fast that even the newly grown edge areas are not able to grow plants in time.
However, due to the excessive corpses of ghosts and ghosts, Aoki Blessed Land was unable to digest all the corpses in time, causing a large number of corpses to pile up near the locust tree, almost forming a ring basin.
The yin energy in that area was too strong. From Wei Xiaobei’s perspective, that area was wrapped in black clouds and mist, which looked extremely eerie.
The green cow was still sleeping near the World Tree, and the World Tree probably benefited from the growth of the Green Wood Blessed Land and was growing quite well. Its height had increased from more than ten meters to more than thirty meters.
Although this is still just a small sapling for the World Tree, at first glance, it is already an extremely strong tree.
After looking around, Wei Xiaobei disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already near the fireball.
Huoqiu seemed extremely excited about Wei Xiaobei’s arrival.
There was no doubt that Fireball had sensed something.
Wei Xiaobei stretched out his right hand and let it go. The godly body quickly dived into the fireball like a loach without any need for supervision.
As the divinity penetrated, the originally dim fireball suddenly became like a chicken blood. The flames on it suddenly rose up, and a huge force was generated from the fireball, and in an instant, Wei Xiao Bei was pushed out.
This is?
Wei Xiaobei was shocked. Wei Xiaobei had not expected such a change before.
Therefore, Wei Xiaobei immediately connected with the fireball’s soul.
However, the fireball seemed to be in a half-asleep and half-awake state at this time, and only sent out one message, that is, more divinity was needed.
Divine illness?
Well, Wei Xiaobei smiled, thinking that he was wrong. Judging from the current state of the fireball, it seemed to be brewing something, and it looked like the way the altar of life had evolved.
It seems that the only solution is to throw more divinity into the fireball.
“Huh? Is this thing going to become a god?”
Just when Wei Xiaobei was calculating how much divinity could be divided into the remaining statues, a voice suddenly rang in Wei Xiaobei’s ears.
Wei Xiaobei was startled, but then he thought it was Qing Niu.
/After all, there was no other existence in this Aoki Blessed Land, and the only one who could approach him silently was the Ao Niu.
Turning around, I saw that it was indeed a green bull.
However, at this time, Qingniu had already transformed into a human form, wearing a green cloth robe. Except for his face, which still looked a bit like a cow, the rest of it looked a bit fairy-like.
“Disciple has met the master.”
Wei Xiaobei had already worshiped Qing Niu as his master before, so he couldn’t be rude at

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