resistance was not fierce enough, and the process was not as dangerous as the last time, which led to a lower evaluation?

resistance was not fierce enough, and the process was not as dangerous as the last time, which led to a lower evaluation?

With his experience reduced, Lu Bei’s expression became unhappy, and he darkened, followed by a cold snort.
The bloody mouth on her cheek dripped red, sliding down the blade of the black gold straight knife. She Zhang gritted her teeth and let go of the snake’s tail wrapped around Lu Bei.
“Very good, I receive your sincerity.”
Lu Bei was unyielding when he gained the upper hand: “As for your oath to serve me as Lord, I have thought about it again and again, but I barely have any objection. Just take the oath!”
“Then you might as well kill me.”
She Yan gritted her teeth, her vertical pupils narrowed to a thin line, and the snake’s tail wrapped around Lu Bei again, as if she would risk her life to splatter Lu Bei’s blood.
“I’m just telling you, why is Auntie Snake so tight? I respect your age. Don’t think about the old snake swallowing tender grass.” Lu Bei activated the ‘Blood Rage’ skill, suppressing She Xuan’s hands and tail and numbness, and whined. The long tail was released with a sound.
“Aunt Snake, make an oath to activate the blood connection mechanism. You can only take one of the relics of the demon cultivator. If you take any more, your blood will backfire.”
Lu Bei looked like a villain: “As for me, it depends on my mood when the time comes. Is it okay for you?”
She Zhang remained silent, letting others slaughter the snake meat on the sticky board. She did not place her hopes on Lu Bei, but just wanted to see what the opportunity to advance to the bloodline looked like before she died.
She swore a blood oath in demon script, and after reciting it, with Lu Bei’s friendly prompting, she said it again in a language that everyone could understand.
The blood curse was formed and appeared on the back of She Zhang’s hand like a brand. She was sweating heavily. She glanced angrily at Lu Bei and saw that he had no consciousness of a winner. She raised her hand and pushed away the straight knife on her neck.
/She Yan staggered to the altar, and Lu Bei did not stop him. He placed the blade on Yingying’s slender waist and urged: “Hurry up, you are grinding, my sword will not be able to hold it down anymore.”
“Shut up and stop talking nonsense!”
With no way out, She Zhang looked away. The dead snake was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, and despite Lu Bei’s various threats, it remained unmoved.
She raised her hand to hold the straight knife against her waist, endured the pain and made a sharp stroke, pouring the blood dripping from her palm into the pattern of the altar, and said feebly: “It is not easy to advance as a demon cultivator, and blood is the most precious. If the predecessors leave behind Relics will only be left to the descendants of the same generation. Without my contribution, you will be ”
“I know, I know, you are the best, right?” Lu Bei interrupted, too lazy to listen to She Zhang’s nonsense.
After a while, She Zhang lost too much blood, and her already

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