, he hugged Che Meihan who was leaning forward.

, he hugged Che Meihan who was leaning forward.

/Che Meihan was startled by the sudden attack and couldn’t help but scream. But the next moment, Che Meihan realized that it was Brother Wei, and her tense body immediately relaxed.
Feeling the soft body, Wei Xiaobei could no longer control himself. He lightly touched the pig’s back with his legs and jumped off the back of the running digging pig.
Although digger pigs are cultivated creatures and do not have the gender consciousness of normal creatures, they also possess a small amount of the wisdom of wild beasts.
What’s wrong with the master?
All of a sudden, we were asked to stop and we were asked to patrol around to prevent any creatures from getting close?
The owner’s kindred are so ugly, thin and weak, with no strength at all, and a pair of useless bloated things!
No wonder the owner would punish it like that, pounce on it, scratch and bite it, but it seems that this kind of punishment should be very painful. The owner’s kind even screamed in pain, and later it was so painful that it couldn’t scream.
It’s really useless! If it were us, we wouldn’t scream even if we died!
Not to mention the slight contempt in the minds of those digging pigs, Wei Xiaobei let out a long breath in a slightly shady spot under the sand dunes.
After a vigorous and exciting fight to reach the peak, Wei Xiaobei looked dumbfounded at the pool of red that was about to be completely immersed in the gravel, and felt extremely confused about his previous uncontrollable behavior.
It is normal to say that you are thinking about some things in your mind.
Men always have some erotic things in their minds.
However, Wei Xiaobei never thought that he would do such a lustful and brain-burning act.
How could my perseverance fail?
Wei Xiaobei then checked the battle description and saw something.
Combat description: Affected by the dragon soul, the mind is confused and out of control. The activation effect of perseverance fails.
In other words, although this behavior came from his own intention, it was affected by the dragon soul.
Dragon nature is inherently obscene!
Wei Xiaobei immediately understood. With this trace of Ao Yan’s dragon soul attached to his forehead, he would be affected by this dragon soul all the time.
Fortunately, Ao Yan is still young, so the demand in this area is not strong.
Otherwise, I might be in trouble as soon as I see Che Meihan.
Hearing Wei Xiaobei’s slightly surprised question, Che Meihan blushed and nodded, without saying anything, but gently pressed her body against Wei Xiaobei’s body.
For Che Meihan, what happened before did not make her sad, and even made her feel a little happy. Of course, it was more of an inexplicable confusion.
I lost my virginity of sixteen years suddenly in one day to a man I didn’t hate. I don’t know if he will treat me well in the future.
For a moment, Che Meihan’s expression changed, and she was thinking a little crazy.
Wei Xiaobei saw something wrong with Che Meihan’s expression at this time, and thought that

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