, as long as he rubbed against the gravel, he would make sounds and cause vibrations, and he would eventually be discovered by the scorpions lurking in the gravel.

, as long as he rubbed against the gravel, he would make sounds and cause vibrations, and he would eventually be discovered by the scorpions lurking in the gravel.

After climbing over several sand dunes, Wei Xiaobei chose to move along the bottom between the dunes, which would consume less energy.
If you walk on the sand for a long time, you will encounter ghosts. For Wei Xiaobei, if you walk on the sand for a long time, you will encounter scorpions.
As soon as they rounded a sand dune, three bulges appeared from the dune slope on the side, and then moved down towards Wei Xiaobei.
Compared with moving towards the top of the dune, these three bulges are undoubtedly moving much faster than the previous black giant scorpion.
Based on Wei Xiaobei’s visual inspection, it was probably more than six meters per second.
This speed is about the same as a primary school student running 100 meters.
Putting down the big gun on his shoulder, Wei Xiaobei dragged the big gun and rushed towards the sand dunes on the right.
Perhaps sensing that Wei Xiaobei was trying to escape, the speed of the three bulges also increased.
But when it crossed the valley bottom and moved towards the sand dunes on the right, the speed of the bulge had to slow down a lot, returning to about three meters per second.
To be honest, seeing those three bulges chasing after him relentlessly, Wei Xiaobei felt an inexplicable sense of intellectual superiority.
No matter how powerful these black giant scorpions are, they are still just bugs.
If they rush out of the gravel, their speed may be increased several times. However, due to their own nature, in order to hide their bodies and attack the enemy, they can only hide in the gravel and eat ashes.
Wei Xiaobei rushed to the top of the dune, then turned around and ran towards the other side along the top of the dune, but his speed became slower and slower.
Affected by this, the three bulges also turned and followed in a diagonal line.
After chasing each other, it didn’t take long for the three bulges to form a straight line following Wei Xiaobei, and the distance between them was widened.
/Until then, Wei Xiaobei had a slight smile on his face, stopped his forward movement that had become very slow, and turned back with a lunge. The three strengths of his legs, waist, and arms were combined into one, and a force shot straight from the soles of his feet. Jump arms.
Back carbine! The big gun, which was more than three meters long, was like a black straight line, and in the blink of an eye it plunged into the bulge five meters behind it.
As the tip of the gun penetrated, a stream of black juice suddenly burst out from the bulge.
The big gun was raised upwards, forming an arc.
/With a shout, the gravel splashed everywhere, the gun tip bounced up, and a black giant scorpion flew out of the gravel.
Wei Xiaobei shook his hands, and a shock was transmitted along the gun barrel. The black giant scorpion penetrated by the gun head exploded from the back, and the smal

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