aobei did not possess Zhu Xinyi’s abilities after his skin was replicated, his long hair was still inevitably soaked by the sea water. After landing, his long wet hair lay on his shoulders and back, and his caring shirt also stuck to his smooth skin. It feels really uncomfortable on my skin.

aobei did not possess Zhu Xinyi’s abilities after his skin was replicated, his long hair was still inevitably soaked by the sea water. After landing, his long wet hair lay on his shoulders and back, and his caring shirt also stuck to his smooth skin. It feels really uncomfortable on my skin.

It’s okay, after the skin was copied, Wei Xiaobei’s appearance was exactly the same as Zhu Xinyi’s, and they even had the same things that women should have, such as long hair.
Fortunately, for Wei Xiaobei, solving such a matter is not too difficult.
His body shook slightly, and in the rapid vibration, the shirt attached to his body became dry in the blink of an eye, and then some salt flakes fell off with the vibration.
As for the hair, it was impossible to remove the moisture and salt flakes by vibration alone. After shaking it, I took out a towel from the storage ring and wiped it for a while, which was able to solve the problem.
It has to be said that from this moment on, Wei Xiaobei felt the inconvenience of the girl’s body.
/Long, fluttering hair looks good, but if it gets wet, especially sea water, it will be very uncomfortable. If there is a layer of salt flakes on your scalp, just shake your head slightly and the snowflakes will fall down, which is enough to turn the “Zhu Xinyi” “The image is completely ruined.
What gave Wei Xiaobei some headache was that after activating the skin copy, the recovery speed of his soul strength stopped. At the same time, the fatigue caused by traveling thousands of kilometers had not recovered. Coupled with the original extreme weakness, Wei Xiaobei Beidu had the urge to lie down on the rocks and fall asleep for a while.
I need to take a shower and clean myself up. The salt flakes all over my head are really uncomfortable.
/However, this area seemed to be uninhabited. Wei Xiaobei checked and found a road five kilometers away from the coastline.
Standing next to the highway, not long after, a large truck pulling a container roared from a distance. The two bright lampposts were like the eyes of a monster.
Although the satellite phone installed in the storage ring can easily guide the way, Wei Xiaobei did not want to expose himself easily when he came back this time.
Although the satellite phone is already very confidential, only the content of the call is kept secret. As long as Wei Xiaobei turns on the satellite phone within China, his whereabouts will probably be monitored by the special department.
Besides, it would be too stupid to run away by yourself, and it would be easy to expose the target. It is better to find a car and take yourself to the nearest town, then the next thing will be easier.
Following the classic hitchhiking gesture in foreign movies, Wei Xiaobei raised his thumb and shook it a few times towards the roaring large truck.
Well, one thing that needs to be explained is that Wei Xiaobei felt that this gesture was probably not very popular in China. The large truck did not stop at all, and roared past Wei Xiaobei in the blink of an eye. The violent wind

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