hang Fengche and handed the soy milk and fried dough sticks to the two of them. The two of them grabbed the fried dough sticks and gnawed them as if they hadn’t eaten in a few days.

hang Fengche and handed the soy milk and fried dough sticks to the two of them. The two of them grabbed the fried dough sticks and gnawed them as if they hadn’t eaten in a few days.

Yue Ming smiled and said: “Eat slowly, drink some soy milk, and stop snoring.”
Zhang Fengda took a sip of soy milk and then said, “Why are you here?”
Yue Ming said: “Mr. Wei and I are going to see Shu Po. You don’t have to guard Shu Po now. Let’s take a rest before we come out.”
“Then how long do you want to go in?” Fang Ronghua, who cherishes words like gold, also asked anxiously. He hoped that Yue Ming and Wei Renwu could stay in there for a while, so that he and Zhang Feng could have more time to rest.
Yue Ming said: “I don’t know why Mr. Wei wants to see Shu Po, and I don’t know how long it will take for Wei Renwu to meet Shu Po. It may take a long time, or it may come out right away.”
Zhang Feng said: “Then you go in quickly, Ronghua and I know what to do.”
Yue Ming nodded and got out of the car.
Wei Renwu threw away the cigarette butt and said, “Let’s go.”
Wei Renwu and Yue Ming walked into Shu Po’s “Dongpo Detective Agency”.
When the guests who came to apply for the case early in the morning and Shu Po’s apprentices saw Yue Ming, they originally wanted to ridicule the defeated general, but when they saw Wei Renwu again, they gave up the idea.
They all know Wei Renwu, and they also know that his name once resounded throughout Chengdu. Although his reputation has been overshadowed by Shu Po, as the saying goes – a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no one dares to laugh at this. A former criminal investigation consultant.
For a moment, the atmosphere in the office became extremely quiet, and the air seemed to be frozen.
Wei Renwu looked at the people around him, pointed at a young man in a robe, and shouted: “Who is that? Is Shu Po here?”
/The young man was pointed out by Wei Renwu and was stunned for a moment before he replied: “Master is here.”
Wei Renwu stroked his mustache and said, “Where is he? Go and tell him that Wei Renwu wants to see him.”
The young man swallowed deeply, rushed into Shu Po’s office, and shouted at a volume that could be heard by the whole office: “Master, something bad has happened, Wei Renwu is here to kick the club.”
In fact, Wei Renwu only said that he wanted to see Shu Po, not that he would definitely cause trouble for Shu Po. Shu Po’s disciples were obviously too nervous, thinking that Wei Renwu’s arrival heralded a provocation.
“Please.” A rich voice came from Shu Po’s office. There was no doubt that this was Shu Po’s voice.
Before the young man could take action, Wei Renwu had already rushed in, shocking the young man.
At this time, Yue Ming also followed in and saw Shu Po squinting his eyes and sitting calmly on his office chair.
/Shu Po waved to the young man and said, “Xiao Chen, you go out first.”
Wei Renwu also said to Yue Ming: “Xiao Yue, please go out and close the door. Mr. Shu and I may need to be alone.”
“Oh.” Yue Ming reluctantly walked out of the office and closed t

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