f children’s songs that allowed Xianyu Shengsheng to create a miracle that no one might be able to replicate!

f children’s songs that allowed Xianyu Shengsheng to create a miracle that no one might be able to replicate!

after all.
No matter how good the music player is, he dare not say that he can be like Xianyu and write a children’s song album that is popular all over the world!
/So this wave is just a bonus brought by the children’s song album?
of course not.
Soon some netizens said:
“The influence of children’s songs is on the one hand, and on the other hand, Lian Bicheng himself has a problem. Anyone who has watched the recent competitions of “Our Song” should know what I am talking about.”
“Ha ha.”
“You’re talking about the episode where Lian Bicheng and Lu Sheng created a PK and ended up overturning, right?”
“It’s not just that period.”
“The games in the past two months have illustrated a lot of problems.”
Blue Star’s most popular music variety show “Our Song” is still going on.
This is nothing.
The ranking represents overall strength.
Occasionally a win or loss doesn’t mean much.
Just like we know, world champion Malone occasionally flips over.
However, one game cannot explain the problem, but those few games can explain some problems.
In just these two months of competition, Lian Bicheng actually faced Zhongzhou Qu’s father Abigail three times!
In a head-to-head confrontation between the two, Lian Bicheng definitely has a chance of winning.
Who would have thought that Bicheng and Agai played three games, but they didn’t win any of them!
Agai is strong, but you are not even weak to Bicheng!
You are only one less than Agai, and the result is such a one-person gap. Why did you end up kneeling three times in a row after playing three games?
It makes sense to win at least one game, right?
Kneeling against Agai three times in a row, plus losing to Lu Sheng, a top ten goalkeeper in the music charts, this is another reason for Lian Bicheng’s ranking to drop.
“We all know it after all.”
“Agai was killed by Xianyu at the Blue Music Festival.”
“Excluding the fact that the two have only faced off twice, Abigail’s winning rate against Xianyu is zero percent.”
“At the same time we know.”
“Of course, we also know that Lu Sheng, known as Little Xianyu, was once defeated by Yu Daddy in the season rankings.”
“So this wave of adjustments by the Literary and Art Association is completely reasonable. The explosion of Xianyu’s children’s songs and Lian Bicheng’s own poor performance led to this change.”
/Where are the people doing math problems here?
Lin Yuan was surprised when he saw that his ranking on the music list suddenly rose by one place.
After reading the analysis from netizens, he slowly came back to his senses, but his expression was a bit weird.
So those children’s songs are so powerful?
It turns out that there is something wrong with Lian Bicheng himself?
Having said that.
Is this what it feels like to win by lying down?
To know.
Lin Yuan wrote a New Year’s plan at the beginning of the year.
New Year’s resolution book.
Chu Kuang’s guaranteed goal is to enter the top seven

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