uring the holidays, so he just doesn’t celebrate the holidays.

uring the holidays, so he just doesn’t celebrate the holidays.

As soon as Wei Renwu opened the door, he could immediately feel the festive atmosphere, but he had no surprises or surprises. He calmly said to Yue Ming: “Xiao Yue, I have to tell you something.”
Yue Ming held the fish and said with a smile: “Nothing is as important as eating, don’t you think so?”
Wei Renwu nodded and said, “You are right, eating is the most important thing.”
Wei Renwu and Yue Ming sat opposite each other at the dining table. Wei Renwu took a bite of the steamed crucian carp and kept praising him. He knew Yue Ming’s cooking skills and always praised Yue Ming with all the words of praise he had learned in his life. cooking skills.
Yue Ming said: “We finally got through the ‘Fengshen Meeting’ incident, and it coincides with ‘Christmas’, so naturally we should make things right and celebrate.”
Wei Renwu said: “This duel between the ‘Feng Shen Hui’ and me is just the beginning. The war will be long in the future, but I made a mistake in my judgment this time.”
Yue Ming asked doubtfully: “Where did you make a mistake in your judgment?”
Wei Renwu said: “I underestimated them. The ‘White Tiger’ is more difficult to deal with than I thought.”
Yue Ming said: “Yes, both the ‘White Tiger’ and the ‘White Paper Fan’ are very good at psychological warfare. They almost never tell the truth and are ruthless. They are indeed difficult to deal with.”
Wei Renwu shook his head and said: “I underestimated them, but you overestimated them. I mean they are a little harder to deal with than I thought, but it only takes a few. Generally speaking, I can still deal with them.”
Yue Ming said: “But if they turn their finger on Captain Lin, how will you resolve it?”
Wei Renwu said proudly: “Of course I have my own way to do this. Speaking of which, this incident also shows that ‘White Tiger’ is not smart enough. He actually told me his next plan, so that I can beat him One step to get things in order. Still, it’s weird.”
/“What’s weird?”
“Do you know where I’ve been today?”
“You go out on dates every day. Who knows who you are going on a date with today.”
“No, I don’t have a date today. I went to Lin Xingchen’s house today.”
Yue Ming was very shocked. He asked in surprise: “You actually dated Captain Lin?”
/“Fart, I said I didn’t have a date. I went to her house to investigate the traces of the ‘Feng Shen Gui’, but I found nothing.”
“Found nothing, do you mean you didn’t find out anything?”
“Nothing was investigated.”
“What’s weird about this?”
“Isn’t this strange enough? If ‘White Tiger’ really took action, how could I, Wei Renwu, go out personally and get nothing? This can only mean that he did not take any action, or that ‘White Tiger’ and his ‘White Tiger Hall’ ’ suddenly disappeared.”
“Disappeared? Why? Maybe he just stood still and waited for the opportunity?”
“No, they just disappeared. I also inquired about their whereabouts from other places, but there is still no news about them.”
“You’re talking about Mr. Nan Guo, do you still thi

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