t one?

t one?

Are you talking about the shortcomings of sci-fi?
Didn’t everyone say that Chu Kuang was not good at writing science fiction?
Neither Zhan Yun, Suzuki nor Zhang Ao can be said to be weak. They are even science fiction giants in their respective continents, but why can’t anyone defeat that guy?
The three of them suddenly realized something.
Perhaps science fiction is not Chu Kuang’s shortcoming.
It’s just because Chu Kuang’s performance in other subjects is so amazing that it seems that his performance in science fiction is average.
/In fact.
Chu Kuang’s science fiction is not weak.
Although these three works do not show his crushing advantages in other subjects, his science fiction is at least at the level of Weizhou, and even the top science fiction writers in Central Continent!
And at this time.
Like science fiction writers, readers from all continents of Blue Star, after reading one of the three works, also completed the remaining two works in a very short period of time, and successively read the wonderful works of the three science fiction works. in exclamation.
Hotly discussed across the internet!
This war seems to have come to an end, but in fact, Chu Kuang’s literary battle journey across the world and eight continents has just begun!
Damn it!
Kneel down three times in a row!
When the Blue Star science fiction writers finished reading three novels one after another, they jumped to their feet one by one: “This person is really scary. The three consecutive works are not the same in terms of conception or structure. If there is anything in common, it is probably that every one of them has something in common.” The overall tone of the film is filled with sadness, and the end of each film is accompanied by sacrifice and dedication.”
“That’s always been his style.”
“We really seriously underestimated his strength. His level of science fiction is indeed not as scary as writing other subjects, but it is definitely not something that just anyone can defeat.”
“No matter Zhan Yun, Suzuki or Zhang Ao, they are far from just anyone. Their science fiction does have shortcomings, but in Blue Star they are already in the top 100 writers list!”
“This just shows how terrifying Chu Kuang is!”
“Perhaps we can only wait for the big guys from Weizhou or even Zhongzhou to take action. Only their science fiction can defeat Chu Kuang in a literary fight.”
“I think it’s quite the opposite.”
“How to say?”
“Three short stories in a row. Chu Kuang’s talent is indeed amazing, but is it possible that these three short stories are his proud works that he had planned for a long time and even completed before the literary fight?”
“you mean?”
“I predict that the next period will be Chu Kuang’s weakest period. Chu Kuang won’t be able to withstand it without the help of Weizhou or even Zhongzhou’s bosses.”
Is this really the case?
No matter what the real facts are, compared to the starting point of Blue Star science fiction writers who are more eager to defeat Chu Kuang in l

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