for several days!

for several days!

So is He Sheng.
This news has never been told to myself!
But I have to say it!
Xianyu’s idea is fantastic!
Shadow’s animation skills are unrivaled!
The plot is very exciting, Lao Zhou has been fascinated by it, and it also has a very strong sense of freshness!
No one has done this in cartoons before!
Now “Kung Fu” is about to be released.
At this juncture, He Sheng has received such help, which will definitely have an excellent box office boost for “Kung Fu”!
Lao Zhou noticed the cartoon, and so did other viewers.
After the animation ends. valley
Even when the animation was halfway through, the Internet became lively
The animation is over.
Countless people are discussing Qin, Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei and Zhongzhou online!
“Have you watched the cartoons on Channel 2?”
“”The Adventures of He Sheng”!”
“Haha, this animation is really amazing!”
“It’s a bit interesting to directly use the image of movie star He Sheng for animation.”
“As a Zhongzhou native, I don’t know who He Sheng is, but this animation is really interesting. I’ll give it a try!”
“He Sheng is an actor from Qinzhou, he is very good!”
“You can’t say that. You should introduce it like this. He Sheng is the male protagonist of “Kung Fu”!”
“Ah, “Kung Fu”?”
“That movie that Xianyu is going to be released in August?”
“It turns out that he is the male lead in “Kung Fu”. I don’t know if it’s due to the animation, but his image looks quite friendly. I’ll have to go to the cinema to see him if I have a chance.”
/“Looking at how skilled you are in typing, you must be all adults. How come you all know this animation?”
“Haha, Channel 2 has a lot of adult viewers.”
“The plot setting is great, and the male protagonist He Sheng brings a strong sense of freshness. When the real person came out in the end, I almost didn’t react. I felt that the dimensional wall was broken. He Sheng said it was Xianyu It’s the idea of ​​​​Ying Ying as the director, and the script should also be Ying Ying’s, this linkage is so beautiful!”
In conversation.
Instant news is out!
“Xianyu Shadow Linkage!” 》
“Blue Star’s first animation with the star himself as the image is born!” 》
“The Adventures of He Sheng!” 》
“The movie “Kung Fu” male lead He Sheng actually became an animated character? 》
“Xianyu Shadow joins forces to break the dimensional wall!” 》
“Taiwan Radio 2’s new animation once again received rave reviews!” 》
“The protagonist of Channel 2’s new animation is actually the male lead of Xianyu!” 》
This is an off-board move.
While major film and television companies, directors and screenwriters are using traditional means to promote new films, Xianyu teamed up with Shadow to use “The Adventures of He Sheng” to create a fun and unique animation promotion for the new film!
Don’t talk about netizens.
Those colleagues from all over the world were dumbfounded. What kind of propaganda trick is this!
“Strange move!”
“Shocked me for a year!”
“The third dimension is mixed into the secon

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