hen Feng Shiyan, my two beloved ladies!”

hen Feng Shiyan, my two beloved ladies!”

“Chen Feng Shiyan is really here!”
“Oh my god!”
“Qinzhou has something!”
“Why did you invite these two sketch masters?”
“Then I can’t watch this show anymore!”
“Stop saying anything, I’m going to call my grandpa!”
“Is your grandpa also a fan of them?”
“No, my grandpa is a fan of Chu Kuang, and this sketch was written by Chu Kuang.”
“Good guy, your grandpa is a cruel man!”
“I’m here to see Chu Kuang write a sketch!”
Zhongzhou has an overview of ratings monitoring for each continent.
For continents other than Central Continent, although the ratings of other continents are not known, their own ratings can still be found.
Almost at the same time.
Everyone has found that their ratings have dropped to a certain extent.
When they found out the reason, everyone was dumbfounded and stared blankly at the figures of Shi Yan and Chen Feng on Qinzhou TV Station!
“Teacher Chen Feng!”
“Teacher Shi Yan!”
“No wonder our ratings have dropped. Many viewers are attracted to Qinzhou by them. The question is why they are in Qinzhou!”
/“This is unscientific!”
“Why did Qinzhou invite people this year who are more powerful than Zhongzhou!”
“Although the people Zhongzhou hired are also powerful, they still stuffed a lot of their own family members in!”
“Here in Qinzhou, there are performances in every continent!”
“It’s too much!”
“Who the hell is the Spring Festival Gala!”
“Why do I have a vague feeling that Qinzhou is hosting this year’s Spring Festival Gala?”
Some changes have begun!
The ratings of Qinzhou Spring Festival Gala are starting to rise!
Everyone is curious!
What skit did Chu Kuang come up with?
The painting style is so weird, is there really no problem?
And what kind of performance will Chen Feng and Shi Yan put in when they take the stage again after a few years?
Blue Star.
Qinzhou TV station.
The audience is attentive!
The dancing was great, the songs were great, and even the host’s choice was very in tune with the audience!
Qinzhou TV Station has two sketch stars, Shi Yan and Chen Feng, appearing again!
At this point the skit has begun.
Shi Yan plays a director who is preparing to shoot a play, but the actors never come.
A passerby volunteered himself and wanted to participate in the performance. The performer of this passerby was Chen Feng, who had just made everyone cheer.
Shi Yan: “Have you ever acted in a movie?”
Chen Feng is excited: “”The Truman Show”, “The Life of Pi”, “The Tuner”, “Tang Bo Hu Spots Autumn Fragrance”, “Spider-Man”, “Hachi the Dog”, “Resident Evil””
Shi Yan was surprised.
Chen Feng’s voice continued: “I have seen all these movies.”
The audience laughed.
The baggage was a success.
Basically, the audience knows that these movies are all Xianyu’s.
Shi Yan had no choice but to agree in the end: “What we want to shoot today is very simple, eating noodles.”
“Eat noodle?”
Chen Feng suddenly covered his mouth with his hand and said to the audience in a sly voice, “I happened to not have eaten t

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