After gathering around Qiu Yu to express their feelings, they gradually made way for a passage.

After gathering around Qiu Yu to express their feelings, they gradually made way for a passage.

“Go in together?”
Qiu Yu walked gracefully on the road separated by passers-by, and spoke to Luo Cheng, who was a little neglected next to him.
Luo Cheng nodded: “Let’s go.”
/The two of them entered the art exhibition side by side.
The crowd did not hesitate and decisively followed these two big guys!
Many people have started to take photos with their mobile phones and post them on WeChat Moments, showing off that they met a master of traditional Chinese painting at a certain art exhibition, and they naturally followed suit.
Luo Wei was stunned and found that her father had already entered.
This man actually forgot his daughter at the door!
Depend on!
Luo Wei wanted to give her middle finger, but finally held back.
As she took out her exhibition ticket and quickly slipped in, Luo Wei noticed a crowd of people behind her.
Is the reporter here?
After all, it is a medium-sized art exhibition, so it is normal for reporters to come. Besides, my father and teacher Qiu Yu are also here. These two people have a huge attraction for some reporters.
This art exhibition was much more lively than expected.
But for Teacher Shadow, this is a good thing.
Luo Wei curled her lips, entered the exhibition hall, and quickly ran towards her father.
My father is here because of himself.
I wonder why Qiu Yu also appears?
With the scale of this art exhibition, can we invite an expert like Qiu Yu to come over?
Luo Wei knew how powerful Qiu Yu was. This woman’s level was not weaker than her father’s.
Under normal circumstances, only large-scale art exhibitions can invite father and painting bigwigs like Qiu Yu to come at the same time.
never mind.
Stop thinking about it.
After all, this is Teacher Shadow’s Chinese painting debut, so it would be more interesting if the battle is bigger.
In the exhibition hall.
The air conditioner has a suitable temperature and feels comfortable when blowing on my body.
The four walls are all filled with works exhibited in this exhibition, and they are framed very professionally.
Luo Cheng and Qiu Yu walked in front.
Passers-by attending the art exhibition followed behind, whispering as they walked.
No one wanted to visit alone. Everyone followed the two bosses with a tacit understanding, as if following the two bosses would lead to the same taste as the two bosses.
Luo Wei walked on the outside and did not move forward. She just winked at her father from the side.
“Why are Teacher Qiu here?”
Qiu Yu flipped her hair: “A friend asked me to come over and take a look, saying that there is a very powerful painting here, but she seems to be late.”
“A great painting?”
Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows: “I’m a little curious. If everyone is at this level, then my trip today is not worth it.”
Qiu Yu looked at the signature and the author’s introduction beside it, and smiled casually:
“It turns out to be Ren Feifei’s work. No wonder the style looks familiar. The shortcomings are

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