in the interior scenes are much faster than people imagine, and they always stay in the empty time.

in the interior scenes are much faster than people imagine, and they always stay in the empty time.

It is precisely because of this that many people believe that one minute in this world may have been one or two years, or even many years in the interior.
Wang Xuan is no longer impatient, he has plenty of time.
“No, it’s too heavy!” Wang Xuan put it down again with a bang. He was really exhausted, and he was about to burst under the pressure.
With a bang, the entire interior location shook violently. This is an extremely rare thing.
The interior location is quiet and cold. There is no sound all year round, let alone vibration. This mysterious place seems to be unchangeable even if it lasts forever.
Now it actually has an echo.
He used his spiritual body to run the strongest scripture recorded on the stone tablet. In an instant, the mysterious factors in the interior scene fell like heavy rain, which was far more amazing than the effect of the pre-Qin root method!
Unprecedented, he was stunned by the intensity of the divine element. It was overwhelming, born from nothingness, and falling down.
He took a deep breath, and his spiritual body was nourished by a large amount of mysterious factors, and became full of vitality again. This time, his spiritual body truly appeared, like a miniature version of him.
/He went to move the lid again, and various strange scenes appeared, such as the blurred fairy mountains, the falling sun, and the crashing ocean, which condensed with his spirit in the interior scenes, becoming stronger than ever before.
The ground seemed to be shaking slightly. He succeeded. Wang Xuan felt like he had lifted up a tangible dome!
/“Kill!” Outside, sword cultivators were shouting.
Others shouted: “Take it easy, don’t chop him into pieces, cut off his limbs, nail him to the ground, leave him alive, there are still many questions to interrogate him!”
The sword light was like a rainbow, and more than a dozen weapons formed a dragnet, roaring, and rushed out in front of them. Everyone was convinced that this kind of power could kill all enemies at this level and was unstoppable.
No matter how indestructible the extraordinary old monk is, he has transformed his body into a demon that is beyond the sharpness of divine weapons. Facing hordes of sword cultivators, he cannot escape the fate of Ling Chi. The flying swords are indestructible!
So what if this young man is a genius? It’s useless to open the inner scene. He has no time to accumulate, and he can’t become invincible. After the chaos of swords, he will only be left with a cripple.
“Oh, be gentle, don’t leave any scraps of flesh behind.” People from Heluo and Ora stars were also shouting, all with smiles.
Wang Xuan used all his strength to smash out the lid and pointed it at the group of sword cultivators. It is worthy of being a treasure. Its speed does not slow down after leaving the interior location, and the inside and outside have little impact on it.
The lid fell into a group of sword cultivators and collided with several flying sw

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