This passage was not very long. Within a short distance, he saw too many figures exploding, all of them were top figures of their respective eras.

This passage was not very long. Within a short distance, he saw too many figures exploding, all of them were top figures of their respective eras.

Now, where to find the Earth Immortal? Not a single one to be seen!
But in the past, among the people who died here, the Earth Immortal was not the strongest at all.
“I’m a mortal, there’s nothing to care about.” Wang Xuan didn’t waste any time and rushed past, passing through the surging passage of black and white energy, and truly entered the strange space of the rare treasure inside.
The inner scene of the rare treasure is dark, quiet, and profound, with mysterious elements falling silently from an unknown place.
At first glance, this place looks very much like an interior place, quiet and transcendent from the world. Standing in the empty time, it seems that you are in the highest meditative state of Bodhisattva.
Wang Xuan frowned, everything was specious.
The darkness in the strange treasure flows, the silence is intermittent, and the sky cannot be clear for a long time. The most important thing is that the mysterious factor is much thinner than the real interior location.
/Can this concentration be one-tenth that of his own interior location? I’m afraid it’s still not enough.
He looked back and saw that the passage shrouded in black mist and white air was densely packed with mysterious patterns, intertwined and entangled irregularly.
/Were all the earthly immortals, feathered masters, Thousand-Handed True Gods, etc. all strangled by it?
Standing here, Wang Xuan can truly feel his own level, as small as dust, while those exploded figures stand tall against the sky.
He instantly understood that the black and white lines in the passage were like a big net, and extraordinary people were caught in the net like big fish and cut into pieces.
And he was just a small fry, getting in through the huge mesh.
This comparison is very intuitive. Just looking at the Earthly Immortal-level creatures, they look like prehistoric giant crocodiles!
As Wang Xuan stepped forward, the darkness was broken. His arrival was like activating a rare treasure in the interior, making the whole space buzz and tremble, and it began to flicker.
He is being called, and there is a fatal attraction that makes people irresistibly want to get close to him.
Something is resurrecting ahead!
Wang Xuan walked forward while running his root method to absorb the mysterious substance to replenish the consumption not long ago.
Deep inside the rare treasure, there is a special zone. The mysterious factors fall like snowflakes, many times stronger. There is something there that attracts people to come closer involuntarily.
There is a pool in the dark place, and the mysterious factors are accumulated in it, as rich as slurry.
After Wang Xuan came, it seemed like there was a downpour around him. He was baptized by the mysterious substance, and all the money he had consumed came back, including capital and profits.
A mist evaporated from the pool and quickly covered him. Is this the opportunity lef

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