s very tyrannical. Now that he was occupying the magpie’s nest, he was about to become the master of Source No. 6. They were still talking nonsense.

s very tyrannical. Now that he was occupying the magpie’s nest, he was about to become the master of Source No. 6. They were still talking nonsense.

At this time, Wang Xuan’s true body was in the shadow, holding the neck of the True King of Machinery with his arms, making a clicking sound, trying to twist off the head of the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus.
“You’re still not convinced? What a big deal. There is no problem in the first place. It can be solved by talking behind closed doors. How dare you open your mouth to me?” He asked calmly.
Then, Wang Xuan’s punch hit the True Mechanical King’s head, causing the light of its soul to surge, boil, and burn, and a crack opened in the metal head.
Then, in front of Wang Xuan’s palm, the real path of the avenue appeared, turned into a chain, and began to restrain the True King of Machinery. If it refuses to obey, it will be beaten to death!
The six realms of Yin and the Six Realms have just been unified, and he doesn’t want all the true kings to be afraid of him at the same time, and then join forces to deal with him. Killing a king is never an easy task.
If he did this directly today, other true kings might join forces.
“I don’t have that much patience. Source No. 6, how about we become the king together? If you dare to grin or raise your claws at me, I will crush you to death!”
Wang Xuan’s true form threatened coldly, and with a click, his right hand really crushed a small piece of the skull of the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus.
/It was made from true king-level forbidden metal, but it still couldn’t stop Wang Xuan’s flesh-and-blood palm.
The True King of Machinery has no chills, but he feels a layer of metal goosebumps. It’s so terrifying. What kind of monster is this?
“It seems you don’t want to live anymore!” Seeing that it didn’t respond positively, Wang Xuan made a click, broke its neck this time, tore off its mechanical head, and held it in his hand.
The True King of Machinery wanted to speak out the Three Character Sutra, but he was stunned and felt a sense of horror. It clearly felt that this was a creature close to the level of the disaster lord, a flawless true king. It should have been injured for several epochs, and killing it, the lord of the source, would not pay the price.
“It’s so tough!” Wang Xuan grabbed the mechanical king’s forehead bone and smashed it into pieces. One of the hardest parts was originally made from a fragment of the weapon broken by the disaster lord in the land of death, but it was still taken out by someone. out!
The True King of Machinery quickly transmitted the message, unable to calm down, and said: “Stop, we can talk, but I will not grovel and beg for mercy, nor will I surrender, otherwise, I would rather die. As for the rest, you have to be the master of the source. , feel free to take it!”
Outside, the kings heard the sound of metal breaking, and the expressions of some of the true kings changed. It seemed that an extremely horrifying event had just happened under Source No. 6.
Unable to respond to Wang Xuan’s true form,

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