you can see that it is a monster that looks like a mouse, but much larger.

you can see that it is a monster that looks like a mouse, but much larger.

Its fur is pure black, its body can be more than two meters long, its whiskers are trembling, and its two golden bean-like eyes are shining.
Except for its size, it is almost identical to a mouse.
What’s surprising is that it only landed on its hind legs, ran upright, stepped on the tree crown, and chased the two people.
The two people landed on a mountain, and the grass and trees exploded, and a fierce battle broke out again. The cliff was shattered, and most of it fell off. It was an extraordinary battle!
/“Old Zhong!” Wang Xuan whispered and looked at Zhao Qinghan. She really guessed that Zhong Yong didn’t leave and was hiding in a secret place!
Moreover, it seems that Zhong Yong is extremely powerful, and his strength has become even more powerful after his life extension. He is now a person at the extraordinary level.
The most surprising thing is that beside him, there is another old man who is also a transcendent. This is quite terrifying. There is actually someone who is hiding as deeply as Lao Zhong.
“I’ll go, Lao Zhong is usually afraid of death. I didn’t expect him to be so powerful and dare to fight an extraordinary monster!” Zhou Yun was shocked, then got mad and said, “Let’s run away.”
If the battlefield is transferred, they will all die.
In fact, a group of people had already taken action and ran wildly, not wanting to become cannon fodder in the extraordinary battlefield. The big rat was so ferocious that it was a mess.
“Zhong Yong, you tricked me!” another old man roared.
“Xiao Song, if you think I’m cheating you, don’t chase me. Let’s run for our own lives,” Zhong Yong said.
Then, he ran away again, but “Xiao Song”, who was in his nineties, ran after him, fearing that he would be killed by the rat if he was left alone.
“Is this the old man of the Song family? Didn’t he say that he died two years ago? There are already graves, so why did he appear in a secret place and become extraordinary?!” Zhou Yun muttered.
Then, he looked at Zhong Cheng and said, “Your old Zhong is so deceitful. He is the one who caused the trouble this time. I can see that he won’t stop until he eats the immortal grass!”
Xiao Zhong and Zhong Cheng frowned and ignored him!
“However, Lao Zhong is extraordinary, yet he is actually being chased by a mouse. What on earth did he do that is so outrageous?” Zhou Yun was speechless as he ran away.
At this time, Wang Xuan’s feelings deepened and he strongly wanted to become stronger and improve his strength.
Only with stronger strength could he go to the abyss of the Grand Canyon to look for Wu Yin. If he couldn’t take one last look, he would feel bad.
He’s going to be a transcendent!
Whoosh whoosh!
Lao Zhong, with the long legs common in the Zhong family, actually ran in their direction!
/Zhou Yun screamed and said: “I#, Lao Zhong is not only going to torture his son to death, but he is also going to trick his great grandson and kill all his descendants. He will rule the Zhong family f

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