o of the Transcendent Realm must also be dealt with!”

o of the Transcendent Realm must also be dealt with!”

A group of sufferers gathered together to vent their dissatisfaction.
They have an escape route and are not too worried, because some supreme beings have come from the other side and are on the same camp as them. At present, they are unwilling to pay a visit because they have no real body. They are saint-level strong men and they never want to bow their heads now.
Soon, the name of the murderer who killed Qian Chen, Qing Ge, and Liu Luoxia was spread through the grapevine.
“Zai Dao, the leading brother from the Jedi?!”
In an instant, the news spread throughout the real world, shaking the supernatural secret network.
Leng Mei, Wang Dao and others were all surprised, and then they were speechless for a while. Is a clone that Wang Xuan created at random so outrageous? It’s the Big Brother of Jedi!
This time, the low-key leader was slightly exposed. After his actions were leaked, the world was shocked.
Obviously, the leading brother has lived a life that Wang Xuan doesn’t like very much and has become a celebrity.
To avoid problems caused by being impersonated, he opened a social account and the number of followers skyrocketed every day.
Then, he treated his role as the leader coldly and was no longer fit to walk in the world.
He could only hope that the old demon Zaidao’s real body was still alive and would be born soon to repay all kinds of great causes and effects.
He changed his identity, haunted the supernatural world, and secretly paid attention to those old friends.
After internal discussions in Wujie Mountain, they decided to join the Great Saint Lemo. So far, it seems reasonable and the overall situation is relatively peaceful.
However, Black Peacock Mountain fell in love with Yun Fu, the man who changed his path.
Because, after the Supreme Being Yun established the religion and opened the dojo, when dividing the territory in the present world, he directly selected a part of the star field, including the Black Peacock Mountain.
This resulted in some parts of the Wujie Mountain camp’s extraterrestrial places and branches in this world being separated, and they belonged to different supreme beings.
Yunfu, the path changer, is actually not a simple person. He is one of the four supreme foreign beings who first opened a dojo in the extraordinary center together with the great sage Lemo, the evil god Jifeng, and the ascetic Yihong.
Wang Xuan frowned. After careful research, he found that Qingkong had returned to Black Peacock Mountain because that was her home and her tribe.
Wolverine, Jin Ming and others also came from Black Peacock Mountain and returned with Qingkong.
/However, Wolverine left Langtian in the Five Tribulations Mountain and stayed in the camp of Great Saint Lemo.
“No wonder most of the photos Langtian has posted in recent years are of himself, or with his Taoist companion Zhu Yan, but actually separated from Wolverine and others.” Wang Xuan said to himself.
/He noticed last time that the photos of Lang Tian in recent years loo

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