tunately, they are in the tide of myths. Even if they sleep forever and the myths are frozen, they will not decay or die, and everything will remain the same.

tunately, they are in the tide of myths. Even if they sleep forever and the myths are frozen, they will not decay or die, and everything will remain the same.

In other universes, except for the dojos opened by supreme beings, which accumulate Taoist rhyme and mythical elements, other areas appear extremely terrifying.
In the 72nd year of the Great Migration, the center of the myth finally stopped, but the expected eternal silence did not come!
Moreover, the tide of myths enters a whole new universe!
To be precise, the “Mythical Soul” has only entered half of the new universe, and the other half is still outside, spanning the vast deep space.
“What is going on?” The expression of the true saint changed. For example, Shichuan, he has experienced more than one great migration, and this has never happened before!
Even Mamoru is frowning. He has lived for nearly 20 centuries and has never encountered such a thing. The new era has officially begun in such a hurry? !
For this reason, he did not hesitate to ask the Mirage Lion. After all, this was an old monster from the Behemoth Dynasty era and had lived much longer than him.
After 72 years, the mirage still has a “smell” on it. You can imagine how poisonous Huang Shang’s “old spirit” is. Unless the target kills part of the contaminated soul, it can only be slowly polished away. It takes hundreds or thousands of years to purify, otherwise there will be no solution.
When the mirage saw him, his pupils immediately contracted. Was Mamoru secretly touching his hiding place and wanting to kill him? !
“Don’t get me wrong, I have something I would like to ask my fellow Taoist for advice.” Mamoru said kindly.
The mirage lion has also become docile, no longer hot-tempered, and the kind-hearted old lion answers all questions.
Mamoru frowned, very dissatisfied, and asked some old monsters, including a god from the age of gods, but none of them had experienced such a thing.
There are extraordinary people entering the new universe, thinking about how to reshape the Taoism and find a suitable mountain gate, but many people remind them to be cautious first.
Wang Xuan ignored it, hibernated and continued practicing.
He received a large amount of light rain from the 12 strange flowers, which was extremely beneficial to enlightenment and practice. Therefore, he forgot the changes of years and devoted himself to hard work.
It was not until 23 years later that the center of the myth once again left the universe as if it was out of body. With a rumble and violent turbulence, the tide surged upward.
Myth Center is on the road again!
The few people who were brave enough to explore the new universe watched helplessly without having time to keep up with its rhythm. They were all eyes wide and shouted loudly, but it was too late.
/Of course, this is only a small group of living beings among the tens of millions of extraordinary beings, and can be ignored.
Over the next few decades, the Great Migration was on its way, and the center of the myth moved forward at breakneck speed.

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