s half an era passed again? Beast King, if it weren’t for your spaceship, I feel that our group of people would have disappeared.”

s half an era passed again? Beast King, if it weren’t for your spaceship, I feel that our group of people would have disappeared.”

Everyone else nodded. After going so far, some of the true saints might not be able to hold on any longer.
The Beast King was very distressed and said: “It’s a pity that the accumulation in the spaceship, the essence of many eras, the extraordinary factor library, etc., has dropped drastically. It is too much consumed in this damn place.”
/“Don’t tell me, there’s really no end.” He frowned thickly.
Then he raised his head and said: “Everyone, please give me a helping hand. Use your supreme body to push the spacecraft down and help it jump.”
This is to allow them to communicate with their real bodies in the real world, borrow power, and help the Beast King spacecraft.
Someone shook his head and said: “Beast King, it’s not that we don’t want to help you. Our true bodies are trapped in the Jedi, and we all have some problems. It is difficult to convey Taoism to ancient times, and the price is not small.”
The Beast King said: “You are all coordinates. I can help you guide me and borrow a small part of your power from your respective true bodies.”
Suddenly, many people’s expressions changed. Is this a forced purchase or sale?
The Beast King sighed: “Of course, everything has to pay a price. I borrow your power and I will pay in equal measure. Alas, does this shameful fog of historical cause and effect still exist in the Eternal Silence? Yes, after all, we are waiting for you. The transcendent body is still there, the myth has not died, and the cause and effect is still attached.”
“My “Beast Emperor Sutra”.” He said solemnly.
Everyone was shocked. This scripture was indeed worthy of exchange. It was famous in the Age of Behemoths and was praised by people in many eras. Unfortunately, the fragments were left in later generations and were extremely missing.
“My scriptures are estimated to be difficult for ordinary royal saints to learn completely.” The Beast King smiled.
Everyone realized that it probably involved a single six-dimensional break, so the scriptures of the Beast King were lost in later generations, and the most important part was not recorded.
“Well, there’s something on the screen, there’s a glimmer of light, there’s something going on ahead!” Someone stared at the big screen and said excitedly.
“Another other shore, another mythical universe?!” Many people were moved.
/The Beast King said: “You are overthinking, how can there be so many accidents? If one piece falls, it is an accident. The luminous object in front is not very far away and is small in size.”
Among the people present, he is the only one who has contributed to the creation of this era. The others are all those who have re-walked the path of true saints. They are still transcendent and have limited perception at present.
The Beast King’s spaceship jumped and rushed to its destination as quickly as possible.
It was a strange floating rock, several hundred meters long. On it was a monster that had been

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