nder object was alerted and asked directly.

nder object was alerted and asked directly.

The boy in white nodded: “Yes, after meditating on “Galaxy Nerve Cleansing”, she burned two pieces of paper for me before I was about to disappear, and she left decisively.”
“It’s really about efficiency.” Wang Xuan praised.
/The screen of the strange mobile phone flashed violently. She disappeared back then, but she did not die. Instead, she came here as a living person and entered the depths of this mysterious place.
It threw out question after question, but the boy in white just shook his head.
He stayed here for several epochs, but he only saw one stranger, one transcendent, and the woman who traveled through different epochs, but they never appeared again.
“In earlier times, I don’t know if there were other creatures passing by.” The boy in white could not provide any more information.
The mobile phone won’t give up, asking for details over and over again, and it’s a bit confusing.
As for Wang Xuan, he was wandering among the meteorites, comprehending the soul skills here. As the fire light came and went, and the divine light intertwined, some road maps emerged.
And in his head, in his soul, big stars appeared one after another, were lit up, rotated, and then connected together to form a sea of ??stars. In an instant, his soul was shining brightly.
Later, he triggered his supernatural sense and tried his best to understand the spiritual skills here and capture the complicated and profound operation trajectory.
It was not until a long time later that in his soul, there was a sea of ??stars in the universe emerging, and galaxies were arising and dying. It was profound when it should be profound, and it was brilliant when it should be brilliant, that he woke up.
Wang Xuan let out a long breath and secretly sighed that it was a pity that the “Galaxy Nerve Cleansing” here was only 20 to 30% of the original version.
Even so, it is more profound than the animal skin book fished from Xitian Cave Mansion.
/Naturally, that scripture was not studied by Yiren Xitian himself, but was left by an extremely strange person, which to some extent involves the realm of true saints.
At this time, the mobile phone came back to its senses, and colorful light appeared on the screen. Then the stars rotated, chaotic matter evaporated, and a starry sky flew towards Wang Xuan.
It said: “Seeing this scene, I found a memory fragment. Although I have not read this scripture, I thought about it in a certain period. I can make up for more than 30% of it for you.”
This is an unexpected surprise!
Wang Xuan immediately sat down and absorbed the starlight. In an instant, his soul became even more brilliant, and countless sparks were ignited to form a galaxy.
Until later, there were ripples on his head, and star chains emerged, expanding outside his body, covering his whole body.
Wang Xuan was immersed in it. He got more than 60% of this scripture, which is enough for him now.
For a moment, the stars flowed and intertwined outside his body. His soul was full, and the brilliant light illu

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