ed quickly.

ed quickly.

“Xiao Wu!” Suddenly, a strange mobile phone flew over.
“Ah, senior?!” Wu Liuji’s expression suddenly changed. If his master hadn’t appeared back then, he would have been abducted by this vicious creature.
Wang Xuan was also shocked. The two of them were old acquaintances? !
The mobile phone wonder was extremely serious and said: “Do you, Demon Court, have any records about the connected places behind the wonders of hell at dusk? I have a problem with my memory and have forgotten it. If you have any, please give it to me immediately.”
“Senior, what are you going to do?” Wu Liuji calmed down.
“Looking for someone, I felt something, but it was interrupted again. Give me those records!” said the mobile phone wonder.
“Okay.” Wu Liuji nodded, then he glanced at Wang Xuan again and said, “Who are you, Wang Yusheng?!”
If he goes to meet the True Sage of Demon Court now, it is estimated that all the old accounts of Old Wang and Great King will be held on his head.
Although he has a big heart, he can’t bear the extra-large blame.
At the same time, he noticed that Wu Liuji’s eyes were very special, with thunderous fire and mysterious ripples flowing around them. This was some kind of extraordinary celestial eye.
broken! He realized that he had even seen his true face? No wonder “Brother Ku” questioned him like this when they met.
He rubbed his hands, looking stunned, and told: “While in hell, I caused some trouble and had to hide my true appearance.”
Wu Liuji was startled and said, “Are you the wild True Immortal who killed the strongest disciple of each True Saint Dojo five times in a row?”
/Although he is an extremely strange person and has a high level of contact, he has also heard about it. After all, Kong Xuan has been too noisy recently.
“Senior Brother Wu, we are one of our own, and I did not kill anyone from Demon Court.” Wang Xuan explained immediately.
As for Wu Chengdao of Demon Court, the group he initially tricked and killed was directly ignored by him. They were not his own people.
Wu Liuji was still doubtful. He looked left and then again, revealing a strange look. He thought to himself: “Could it be the descendant of my junior sister who was sent back on purpose?”
His eyes were strange and he circled around Wang Xuan. Wang Xuan felt really uncomfortable being scrutinized by him like this. What kind of nonsense is this?
Relatively speaking, he thought he was doing his duty. After coming to this universe, he avoided meeting the true saint, and he never stabbed Lou Zi.
As a result, there were two careless people in the family, and both of them were obsessed with a certain true saint, causing him to be implicated.
“Hurry up and give me the record.” The mobile phone strange object urged.
“Okay!” Wu Liuji nodded, not daring to neglect, and temporarily looked away. His forehead glowed, and a colorful mark flew out.
A vortex appeared on the phone screen, which was absorbed, and then fell silent for a short time.
/“Senior Brother Wu, you and Brother Ji are old acquaintances. It didn’t wa

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