n old father rubbing his son.

n old father rubbing his son.

There are also some people who want to shout excitedly: Quality inspectors are running wild!
But here, they can only remain silent for now, not daring to stimulate the True Saint Dojo.
Many True Saint disciples are in a trance, thinking about a question: among those who have broken the limit four times, is it true that no one can pass Kong Xuan’s level?
They were all staring, confirming that when Kong Xuan made his move just now, in the subtle field, there were indeed four layers of Yudao texture, and they were not “over the top”.
Some explorers and photographers are already thinking about how to publish articles and videos to the world of stars if they can leave here alive. Some people have even thought of titles, such as: Even if he dies, he will still be broken 4 times. A barrier that those with limitations can never pass!
Someone else wrote a title: One man is in charge, all immortals are not allowed to open up, overlooking all those who have broken the limit 4 times in the city of hell!
Everyone realized that Kong Xuan was stronger than expected and even better than the legend.
Whether it is an artificially stacked 4-time limit breaker or a facade who is about to enter the 5-break field, as long as he is still in the 4-break field, he really cannot be defeated.
Outside the city of God, the plain is open. Li Xu sat cross-legged under a golden maple tree and quietly realized the changes in Taoist rhyme performed for him by Kong Xuan’s “chaotic” spiritual realm. It was really amazing.
/It was an extraordinary scene in the outer universe, with the changes of time, the analysis of the essence of Tao Yun, and the process of the growth and decline of the origin of the rules, all in it.
Even if he himself wanders through hell and remotely senses the outer universe in a giant city, it would be difficult for him to obtain so many and clear Taoist rhymes.
Is this the “opportunity” that the true sage saw in the future and told him? Could it be that Yingyan is here?
As he unearthed those Taoist rhymes, his heart trembled. It actually involved another outer universe, an era that went from brilliance to extinction, with the change of Taoist rhymes and the process of decay.
Kong Xuan gave him too much, which made him lose his mind for a while. This was really unrequited. What should I give him in the future?
He thought of his aunt.
What is her relationship with Kong Xuan?
Now, he naturally doubted Kong Xuan’s true state. He thought that maybe he was not dead.
Then, he fell into silence and stopped thinking wildly. His soul was like a lake, with little ripples rippling out. A flower is swaying, exuding a trace of chaos. It is a legendary holy object, rooted in the soul, even more delicate and beautiful, with extremely strong vitality. This flower has been “unconsciously” “combed” by Kong Xuan.
Li Xu’s body was blurred and hazy, with a strong Taoist rhyme flowing under the golden maple tree. This scene is very similar to the legendary scene of the true saint’s early enlightenment.

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