ach the divine bridge and soar. This is completely different from the six secret Nuo method. If it was created by a qi refiner, there will always be some connection, but Nuo There is no connection at all between the Dharma and the Qigong Master method.”

ach the divine bridge and soar. This is completely different from the six secret Nuo method. If it was created by a qi refiner, there will always be some connection, but Nuo There is no connection at all between the Dharma and the Qigong Master method.”

After he said it, Xu Ying also noticed something was wrong.
The Six Secrets of the Human Body seem to appear out of thin air. They are different from the Qigong Practitioners’ exercises, but they are complementary to the Qigong Practitioners’ exercises.
This thing is really weird.
Gu Feiyu said: “Our Wuji Sect is a famous sect with a long history. Some ancient books have been handed down, which record a journey to the west by Emperor Zhou. During this journey to the west, it is said that Emperor Zhou came to Kunlun and met six Nuo ancestors. The elixir of immortality.”
Xu Ying’s heart moved slightly, and he suddenly remembered that Emperor Zhou went to the other side. Could it be that the six Nuo ancestors told him that there was an elixir of immortality on the other side?
Gu Feiyu said: “At that time, Emperor Zhou took the elite civil and military elites of the DPRK and returned to Haojing after obtaining the elixir of immortality and began to refine the other side of the divine boat. Since then, powerful Qi refiners have continued to go to the other side and disappeared without a trace. And Zhou After the emperor came back, the news about the six secrets gradually spread.”
Xu Yingdao: “I heard from people that during the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Qi Refiners were keen to go to the other side to find elixirs, which led to the decline of the Qi Refiners. The remaining Qi Refiners did not understand the skills passed down by their predecessors. The Six Secrets of the Human Body were developed based on the elixir of immortality. I didn’t expect that the reasons were like this.”
/Gu Feiyu looked at him with strange eyes and said with a smile: “Since then, the Nuo method began to spread, but gradually fake Nuo methods also spread, using Nuo immortals to refine the elixir of longevity.”
Xian Qi asked: “The Emperor Zhou went to the other side more than 6,000 years ago. He went to Kunlun probably even earlier. Can Zu Nuo survive until now?”
Gu Feiyu’s eyes became more and more strange as he stared at Xu Ying and said with a smile: “The current Nuo Immortals are not real Nuo Immortals. Real Nuo Immortals use six kinds of elixirs to construct the human body fairy world, so they can naturally exist in the world forever. Their bodies As a Nuo ancestor, I will definitely survive!”
Xu Ying turned a blind eye to his gaze and said: “But the Six Secrets Nuo method circulating in the world today is not the real Nuo method. So you think that the correct method of the Six Secrets Nuo method must be in Kunlun.”
Gu Feiyu said: “When I was sealed, it was a busy time for the induction of heaven and humans. I searched for the Six Secret Techniques and found the true method among them. To be honest, I was already practicing Nuo Qi three thousand years ago.”
His body shook, the s

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