lowed and asked: “Is there a Taoist master beside the four junior brothers? I once saw him kill the Zhaojie Heavenly Emperor from a distance!”

lowed and asked: “Is there a Taoist master beside the four junior brothers? I once saw him kill the Zhaojie Heavenly Emperor from a distance!”

He was referring to Taoist Master Ji Cang. If Taoist Master Ji Cang took action, he would definitely be able to get rid of these two Taoist Master corpses!
But neither of them knew that Taoist Master Ji Cang was afraid of the catastrophe, so he had already rushed out of Zhaojie when the catastrophe first broke out, took a boat into the sea, and was no longer here.
Suddenly, two corpses, one on the left and one on the right, flew out of the coffin and chased Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai!
/A cold light flashed in Taoist Master Tongtian’s eyes, scanning across the faces of Taoist Master Hua, Taoist Lin and Taoist Luo one by one.
Just now they said it was not their fault, but it was just an excuse. They could deceive others but not him.
Tiandi Fengya Pagoda is the most precious treasure of Taoist Luo. The corpses of the two Taoist masters from Zhaojie are placed in this treasure. With the power of those two corpses, there is no way to escape the suppression of this treasure!
Moreover, if the corpses of these two Taoist masters escaped from the trap because they sensed the aura of their hometown, why didn’t they escape when they entered Zhaojie? Why didn’t they escape when Ji Cang killed the emperor Zhao He?
Why did Xu Ying get out of trouble during the duel with Changsun Shenghai?
It’s just that I saw these two people being so amazing and talented, and I didn’t want them to grow up, so I had murderous intentions!
However, Taoist Master Tongtian cannot know which of the three of them is the one who has the intention to kill, or whether all three of them have the intention to kill.
Suddenly, Master Tongtian shook his clothes and walked away.
Master Hua noticed his anger and shook his head: “You are still young.”
Dao Master Lin sighed: “He thought we deliberately released the two Dao Master corpses in order to kill Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai. He felt that we were too petty and did not want to be with us. So he left. But having said that, we Doing this is indeed a bit arrogant.”
Master Luo’s eyes flashed and he said: “If the two of them are outstanding and are as outstanding as us, we can still tolerate them. But they are more outstanding than us, so it is inevitable that we will not be tempted to kill.”
/Master Hua Dao said: “Tongtian’s departure means that we are not of the same mind.”
Master Luo said with a smile: “He is from a foreign race, and we are the holy race. If he is not from my race, his heart must be different.”
At this moment, Taoist Master Tongtian suddenly turned around and came at full speed. In an instant, the sword light flashed, but before the sword arrived, overwhelming murderous intent invaded. The eyes of Taoist Master Hua and the three of them were filled with scarlet red, and there was nothing else!
The three Taoist masters were startled and hurriedly dodged.
Dao Master Hua turned over and took the Luoying Divine Ax in his hand. When Dao

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